Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sadie's prayer

Last night was Sadie's turn to pray:

Heaven Faddur...
Tenk you...
For bessings...
For bike...
For baby Jack...
bess me...
Jesus name...

I peeked open my eyes in the middle of it and smiled at Jared, who too, had opened his eyes to share a grin. It melted me that she was thankful for her baby brother.


Lexi said...

That Sadie bug- she's a keeper I tell ya! What a cute prayer!

TheMarets said...

Oh Gosh, thats adorable!!!

Robin D said...

Kalli's been saying prayers too but only copying us. I can't wait until she does it on her own b/c Kaiden's cute little prayers still make me smile.
That little Sadie is such a sweetie!

Jamie Hamilton said...

That is so awesome! Allison has totally lost interest in prayers lately and when she does pray, she only says,"bless dance class." She's been obsessed with dance class since she found out that Kailey goes.

Becky Sharp said...

I love when kids pray! It has to be one of the cutest things they do. Also when they burst into song with "I am a Child of God" at random times during the day. It makes us parents feel like we're doing something right!