Sadie loves to look for airplanes when we're driving in the car. The plane will look like a mosquito, its so far away, but Sadie will point it out. Do we have a future air traffic controller in our midst?
She has an awesome memory. I can show her a picture of someone once and she'll remember their name and face days later. She learned all of her ABC's by the time she was 18 months old.
She loves to read. Her favorite right now is "The Cat in the Hat." She also likes "The Very Hungry Catipillar" by Eric Carle and "The House that Jack Built" by Tabot.
This girl is obsessed with shoes and no matter how ugly the shoe, she makes them look cute.
Whenever we get in the car Sadie wants me to put her "sh-ong on" which means I get to listen to Colbie Callait's song "bubbly" for however long it takes us to get to where we're going. I'm glad its a good song and not something that makes me want to jump out of the car. Lately, she even sings along to the part where Colbie says "Wherever, wherever, wherever, you go..."
Sadie likes to help take care of Jack, but she'll let you know when she's "all finished."
If we are somewhere were there are toys, she'll find the bike and ain't no body gettin' on it once she's got a hold of it.
Sadie is a happy kid who loves to be around people. She has an infectious laugh. She also has a sense of pride whenever she does something good. She'll smile and say "GOOD JOB!"
She asks to pray before bed and is always willing to offer up the prayer. Then we follow the bedtime routine by taking her to her room, giving her "lovie" to sleep with, have her turn off the light, then hold her next to her bed for a little bit after which she raises her head, gives us a kiss and says "night night."
Sadie will point out everything for which she knows the word. Right now the favorite is "candle"...appropriate for birthday time coinicidentally.
She yells "TOUCHDOWN!" and throws both hands in the air while saying it. She will also yell out "Geaux Tigers!" when LSU is playing. Also, whenever golf is on TV or we pass a golf course she says "golf" to let us know...must be daddy's little girl!
Any time she wants to be held she will look up at us and say "hold you?'', and if we can't at the moment, she is relentless about asking over and over until we can or give in.
She likes to be thrown high into the air by Daddy, much to Mama's lament, and then says "high...!" when Daddy's gone past her height limit.
Sadie likes taking Daddy to work and picking him up once nap time is over. She realizes where she is once coming off the off ramp exit that takes us into his workplace by saying "Daddy work?"
Some of her favorite pasttimes include going to story time at the public library, going to Chuck-E-Cheese and Wal-Mart to ride the horsie for $.50, playing at the park, go see friends, watch Mickey Mouse and Super Why, and being spoiled by both grandparents.
Sadie LOVES music. When she was really young, she would "conduct" music in church during the hymns. Now, she sings and loves to play on the piano. She also loves the guitar.
Sadie's birthday cake should have been made out of "Daninino" yogurt. She eats a little cup of it and asks for another right away. For every meal, she asks for a "Daninino". Other favorites are Macaroni and Cheese, chocolate milk, and gold fish.
We love our little Sadie Bug and can't believe she's already two! No matter how old she gets, she'll always be our baby girl.