"Oh no! Oh my gosh....oh, I. AM. SOOOO. SORRY."
Not what you want to hear when someone is cutting your hair.
Those words came out of my mouth and floated the short distance to my poor husband's ears.
"What?! What did you do? What did you do?!" He asked, grasping the sides of his head.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I. AM. SOOOOO. SORRY."
"Oh my gosh! How...wha? What number did you use?" (if you don't know, the lower the clipper number, the shorter the hair.)
"I really thought it was a 4." I cried.
I showed him the "1"
There was a huge gash of hair missing from the side of his head. You could see scalp. My eyes welled up with tears.
"Okay. Lets just think about this." he said in some sort of denial that lead him to believe there was actually something
to think about. Like we could consider regrowing his hair or picking up a handful from the floor and taping it back on.
Jack started to cry so I left Jared alone to "think." He sat in the bathroom for a while and I went in to check on him.
"Are you okay? I mean, Jack's getting fussy so we need to finish up."
"There's no need to rush. I just need to think. I mean, do I shave it all off or just wait it out and let my hair grow back?"
"Put a big bandage over it and tell people you have a head injury. Can you wear a hat to work?" I asked.
I left him to 'think' some more and after about 45 minutes we attempted to "fix" things by making the fade shorter. Despite our best efforts, his head looked like a mushroom.
So we had no choice but to shave it.
See, you have to understand the fear in this. Jared has been worried that if we were to shave his head, it might not grow back. I'd like to reassure him that it will, but what do I know? I'm no hair-ologist.

Can you see the part that I originally shaved above his ear? Its not so bad with the rest of it buzzed. Its different, but I still think he looks adorable.
"You have a nice shaped head, Jared."
"Thank goodness." We said together.
"Are you mad at me?"
"I'm not mad at you, sweetie. I just need some time to adjust."
Jared smiled and exhaled. He kissed me lovingly and I felt grateful to be married to such a kind and patient man.