Monday, January 12, 2009

bees and ladybirds

I think this is a foreign site. There's tons for kids of all ages to do and we've found it quite entertaining.
Originally, we visited it to put all of the spots on the "ladybirds" since Sadie is a fan of Ladybugs (type "spots on ladybirds" into search engine on site to find that game). While searching the site a little more, I found these bees games. This one is my favorite:

Sadie just laughed and laughed and so did I. I love the wretching noise the bee makes when its depositing the honey into the comb.

Let me know if it makes you laugh too :)


Jeni said...

Another good site is
It's a French site. Calyn LOVES it! There's a musical pig and Cal will run up to the laptop chanting, "Piggie! Piggie!"

Jamie Hamilton said...

That is way cute! I love how the little bee gets fat and round when he's full of nectar.