Guess who's a big girl?! Earlier this week Sadie came up to me and said "Pee-pee" so I took her into the bathroom to use the potty. To my surprise, she went pee-pee in the potty! I was filled with such pride and excitement! We went to Target later that night to get a seat for her that would make it more comfortable for her to sit. All week we've had hits and misses with the whole pee-pee thing, but poo-poo...oh no. no poo-poo for Sadie. She hates to do it! We know she has to go when she starts crying and running away from us. Its like she doesn't want to go in her diaper (she calls it "ih-key") so she freaks out, but when we would try to take her to the potty she freaks out even more. Tonight, she started crying and wouldn't let me comfort her so we knew what was goin' down. Jared brought her into the bathroom and set her on her little seat. I went to go find the Elmo book. You know, the one where Elmo is helping his doll 'Baby David' to use the potty. Okay, so the book was a little weird to me at first because Elmo and his doll were talking about using the potty and what kind of 'big kid underwear' they get to wear because they are potty trained, but that was just because when Sadie got the book for her birthday it seemed like potty training was this milestone that would never happen. She was always going to be just the way she was at that moment...never a day older. But sadly AND gladly, she has grown up and the potty with Elmo book is very relevant. By the time I walked into the bathroom, Jared was congratulating her for her first poo-poo in the potty. She had calmed down and when she saw the Elmo book she was happy. "Mo-mo! Mo-mo!" as she turned the pages. "Sadie, do you want to flush the potty?" Jared asked. He helped her flush and we waved 'bye-bye' to the "ih-key" poo-poo.
When did this happen? When did she learn that poo-poo is icky? or that pee-pee goes in the potty? She likes to brush her teeth with her dora the explorer toothbrush and when I get ready in the mornings she brushes my blush brush across her little cheeks. She wants to wear my headbands and Jared's LSU hat and whenever she finds something with a strap, she puts it on her arm like a purse. Did we do this? Wow...parenting happens sometimes when you don't even know you're doing it. I don't even know if i can take credit for it. Its amazing to watch her grow into a big girl....a little person with an opinion and feelings and complex thoughts. I wish I could navigate through her thoughts and feel what she feels. Then maybe i'd know if i'm doing this whole thing right.
Ok so when did she grow up??? Pee pee in the POTTY? What?? Wow, I'm getting so old and I don't even have kids yet.... Ahh! How cute. Sadie's a big girl. I love it.
Yay Sadie!! I am so proud. It sounds like she is doing great. Potty training can be very trying, but it is so great to not have to deal with and buy diapers anymore. Good luck!
Ok, BIGGGG parental mistake. Never,ever show a toddler how to flush the tiolet. YOu might as well put a plumber on speed-dial!haha Love the townhouse!! I have always been a big townhouse big yard person. NOw I love my townhouse, and will never go back to a house!! Miss you guys so much!! Sister Hill
Ok, so Ben is 5... almost 6 and he still doesn't want to let the "poopoo" out. I will find him sitting on the floor of his bathroom sitting on his foot. I have to make him go to the bathroom. But ya know, after I see how big it is... I don't blame him. He would kill me if he knew I told you guys this! So go Sadie!!!
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